Thursday, July 16, 2015

LOVE unspeakably beautiful experience

Being in that moment was unspeakably beautiful.

Recorded live at a meeting in Napier, New Zealand on 6th June 2015, the following song was not rehearsed. Graeme and I had never performed together before this occasion.

"Perform" seems the wrong word. In company with a group of Christian believers, we had an encounter with God. This music was simply our spirit-led expression of worship to Him.

Graeme, who excels in improvisational playing and is perfectly comfortable creating brand new music every time his hands are on the keyboard, comments, "I was playing themes on a melody I was hearing from heaven."

One of the most extraordinary and beautiful moments of my life, I felt I'd found my destiny--making music like this in God's presence. I knew I was singing a love song to Jesus.

As you view this music video, we hope that you will have an encounter with God and experience His great love for you.

Fiat lux!

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"The Lord wants a greater creativity of what we can do together." Rodney Francis, Gospel Faith Messenger,
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