Do you love New Zealand? Make your Waitangi Day special by singing about it! To get you started, here's a song about our unique and beautiful country.
New Zealand, New Zealand,
My home and my heartland.
I love her cool glades and
her fern-shaded streams.
I roam with delight o'er her
mountains and beaches.
What land can excel her,
fair land of my own?
Men of every creed and race
gather here before God's face,
asking Him to bless this place.
God, defend our Free Land.
From dissension, envy, hate,
and corruption guard our State.
Make our country good and great.
God, defend New Zealand.
We have so much here that is good, don't we? What value do you place on that? Is it worth you protecting it?
I'm sure you know that good things don't happen by wishful thinking. They come from the purposeful hearts of individuals. My home is my heartland. I make it what I want it to be. How about you?
A Maori gentleman said on national radio this weekend that the Treaty of Waitangi was a treaty between man and God, so our starting point as a nation was in unity before the sovereign Almighty. Where are we as a nation today? Do you sing this with me?...
"May our mountains ever be
Freedom's ramparts on the sea.
Make us faithful unto Thee.
God defend New Zealand."
Medley arranged by Narelle Worboys
First verse adapted from "New Zealand, My Homeland", an heritage song by Robert J. Pope
Second verse from New Zealand's national anthem, "God of Nations", by Thomas Bracken and John Joseph Woods.